When editioned artwork is available in multiple sizes/media formats, Line Items allows you to manage the various artwork iterations through a 'Parent' record. The Parent record holds the primary information about the artwork (artist name, title, description, images, etc...). The Inventory Line Items function allows you to define the data fields which are unique to each multiple, such as Media, Edition size/number, Dimensions, Price, Inventory Number, Costs, etc...
Step 1: Add Parent Record
Add artwork as normal through
. Add artwork details to be included in the parent record including artist name, title, media, collection, description, website settings, internal fields, financial related details and images.
Step 2: Change to Line Item Record
(1) click or
link underneath the General Specs section
(2) find the tab in the subnavigation menu and click the
Step 3: Add Line Items
You are taken to the Add Line Items page where you can add, edit or delete line items. A form is provided where you will add the details about each multiple attached to the parent record. Below is a brief description of what to do with each field.
- Media: Description of Media used to create artwork
- Edition: Indicate either the overall edition size, or the unique edition number
- Dimensions: LxWxD
- Price: Retail Price
- Ship Charge: The amount you're willing to Ship this for. If greater than 0.00, the amount will be added to the purchaser's shopping cart where it will be multiplied by the quantity they have purchased to conclude the Shipping Charge for the item(s). *Please note this charge is only applied for Ecommerce purchases and does not effect QuickSale.
- Infinite: Will rebuild a duplicate Line Item just before marking this one sold. If set to Infinite, you'll NEVER run out of inventory.
- Stock Qty: Is a numeric value that defines how many items you have in stock. If Infinite is set to "No", the system will lookup the Stock Quantity (which defaults to 1) and subtract the purchase quanity from those in stock. If Stock Quantity is less than 1, it will be marked "SOLD" and "Out of Stock".
- Insurance Value: Amount this item is insured for by the gallery.
- Product Item Number (PIN): Auto-Assigned if empty.
Expense Related
- Consignor: Select the consignor of the item, artist, gallery owned, or third party consignor.
- Amount: The amount of an expense directly associated with this piece and is excluded prior to the calculation of any commissions.
- Reimburse Who: Select who to reimburse for the amount above.
- Description: We recommend you define WHO gets reimbursed for what (Description) for your own future reference.
- Frame Cost: Add cost of framing for reporting purposes.
- Shipping Cost: Add cost of shipping for reporting purposes.
- Misc. Costs:Add miscellaneous costs for reporting purposes.
Display Related
- Sequence: Numerical order of items.
- Display Price: Yes or No
- Call for Price: Yes or No
- Unframed (U/F): Yes or No
- Active (AV): Yes or No
Click to add the Line Item
Once your item is saved, a list will appear at the top of the page with the item details. Click the to view or edit the details of the item, or click the
buttons to add more items.